Wednesday, December 30, 2009

बस तुम ही तुम

अन्तस की पीड़ा में तुम हो,
प्राणों का आलोड़न भी तुम।
जीवन की मधुरिम तानों में तुम,
अश्रु-कणों में उद्भाषित तुम।

उर में तुम ही, प्राणों में तुम,
नयनों की वाणी में तुम हो,
मेरे जीवन की दीप-शिखा तुम,
तुम हो मेरे प्राण-सुमन।

अर्थ दिया तुमने जीवन को,
तुमने ही आकार दिया।
जीवन के कण-कण में बसकर,
सपनों को आधार दिया।

पुष्पित- सुरभित इस जीवन के,
कण-कण में अब प्यार बसा।
जिसकी दिव्य आभा में धुलकर,
जगमग सब संसार हुआ।

Monday, December 28, 2009

एक बार फिर.

एक बार जो फिर तुम आते !
स्नेह-घृत की बाती बन मैं,
मन-मंदिर के दीप जलाती!
तेरी राहों के कांटे चुन,
स्वयं पुष्प बन मैं बिछ जाती।

एक बार जो फिर तुम आते !
जूही की अनगिन कलियों से,
द्वारे बंदनवार सजाती।
तेरे क्लांत चरण-युगलों को,
अश्रु-जल से मैं पखारती।

एक बार जो फिर तुम आते!
मृणाल-दंड सी इन बाँहों का,
कंठ-हार तुझको पहनाती।
अपनी प्रीति के दृढ-पाश में,
तुझे बाँध मैं वारी जाती।

एक बार यदि फिर तुम आते !

Thursday, April 9, 2009


मौन हो गई मुखरित रागिनी ,
उर में संताप है व्याप गया।
हाय प्रिये , क्या ये ही चाहा ?

शिथिल हुई नयनों की भाषा,
सिमट गई प्राणों की आशा।
हाय प्रिये क्या ये ही चाहा ?

जन शून्य हुई विस्तृत अवनि,
भाव शून्य यह अन्तस्।
हाय प्रिये क्या ये ही चाहा ?

(और कुछ सालों बाद प्राण-प्रिय ने कहा.....)

क्यूँ मौन हुई मुखरित रागिनी?
कैसा संताप है व्याप गया?
काँप रहे क्यूँ अधर -सुमधुर?
शिथिल क्यूँ नयनों की भाषा?

उठो कि तुम ही हो जग-जननी,
उठो कि तुम हो शक्ति-पुंज।
सिंचित कर लो निज प्राणों को,
अखंड-तेजोमय दिव्य रश्मि से।

स्वयं बनो निज शक्ति-स्त्रोत तुम।
तम हर कर उजास बनों तुम,
मधुमय -मधुरिम श्वास बनों तुम,
मानवता की आस बनों तुम।

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A new Light

Thoughts keep coming to my mind and I find that I am able to see things in a new light.The reservoir of knowledge deep inside keeps surfacing and suddenly it helps me grasp the essence of words read long ago.

These days I am reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. It's just wonderful.I had read this book earlier too.
I have been reading "Bhagvata Geeta" too.

Suddenly it appeared ......the main verse "कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन..." "only action is in your hands and not its fruit ....", and the Central Thought of the aforementioned book by Eckhart, "To be in the Present"; are one and the same.

Every action done by us, is and can only be done in "Now"...we can never ever do anything in "past"or "future".

This is the main reason why sages keep pointing to this fact and ask us to live the present moment supremely well. Only the " Now " has the power and freedom to act. On the contrary, even if we distract our minds a little from our present, and try to think of the future of our actions, we will not be fully present in the "Now" and so will not be able to give our 100% to it, thereby failing to act prudently on the given opportunity .

So if we take care of the present moment fully, nothing else will be required. Everything will be automatically taken care of.

Besides, the present moment of our life has been ushered in our lives by none else than our own selves , so we should give full respect to it and embrace it with gratitude and love.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In Smokey's 2008

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One thing keeps coming into my mind these of Guruji's (Paramhansa Yogananda's) sayings:

"Live the present moment supremely well, it will whitewash the dark past and compel the future to be bright"

I too feel very strongly that this alone is the thing in our fact all that we do to calm our mind, to keep ourselves healthy, is just to enhance our performance in the "NOW".

I often used to dwell on "what I should have done in a certain situation"...but no more....
It is not that important. If we need any reference from our past experiences, we may just flip thru it and that's all that is required. Every moment is unique....full of untapped potential..if we could just keep our minds open...without any bias...ready to embrace whatever life offers , it will be a joyous experience all of resistance.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


ज़िन्दगी सुमधुर तुझसे कुछ पल चुराना चाहती हूँ,
प्रियतम सानिध्य के कुछ पल जुटाना चाहती हूँ।

बनके पाँखी तेरे साथ प्रियतम,मैं विहरना चाहती हूँ।
स्वप्न से सुंदर परों को खोलकर,
संग तेरे अपने परों को तोलकर,
मुक्त -नीलाकाश के उसपार जाना चाहती हूँ।

ज़िन्दगी सुमधुर तुझसे कुछ पल चुराना चाहती हूँ,
प्रियतम सानिध्य के कुछ पल जुटाना चाहती हूँ।

दामिनी बन तेरे साथ प्रियतम मैं दमकना चाहती हूँ।
तुम बनों घनघोर घन ,
बनके मैं चपला चपल,
निश्शब्द शुभ्राकाश को मुखरित बनाना चाहती हूँ।

ज़िन्दगी सुमधुर तुझसे कुछ पल चुराना चाहती हूँ,
प्रियतम सानिध्य के कुछ पल जुटाना चाहती हूँ।

Thursday, February 19, 2009

स्पंदन के क्षण

जीवन नदिया बह रही थी
शांत और निस्स्पंद,
बीत जाता था हर दिन
नीरव निश्-शब्द ।

दूर कहीं पर गूंजती थी
तान मदिर वंशी की,
टेरती थी प्राण-प्रिया को
साज मधुर पी की।

आत्मा का प्रबल आह्वान,
गूंजता बन सुमधुर तान।
विकल हुए मन प्राण प्रिया के,
शिथिल हुए बंधन जीवन के।

मन पाखी ने पर फैलाये,
पुलक उठी तब दशों दिशाएं।
अवनि और अम्बर हैं हर्षित,
आज हुआ कण-कण है स्पंदित।

my latest picture

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अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

क्यूँ आए मेरे जीवन में?
क्यूँ देनी चाही थी खुशियाँ?
भाव-पुष्प का अर्घ्य दिया क्यूँ?
आशा का संचार किया क्यूँ?

निस्संग जीवन था बीत चला,
चिर दुःख था जीवन-साथी।
भोर-किरण संदेश न लाती,
सांझ सदा यूँ ही ढल जाती।

तेरे आने से जीवन में
खुशियों ने पहचान बना ली,
इन नयनों ने हँसना सीखा,
प्राणों ने श्रृंगार किया।

बिखरेंगे जब स्वप्निल इन्द्रधनु,
कैसे धीर धरुँगी प्रियतम?
पुनः एकाकी जीवन से अब,
किस विध प्रीत करुँगी प्रियतम?

Friday, February 6, 2009

My experiences with children

While dealing with children I have noticed one interesting thing..........the very thing u touch( point out) in them starts growing,irrespective of the fact whether it is positive or negative.For example, if their writing is beautiful and u praise them for that , they will try to improve it further...on the contrary if u start finding faults in it, his performance will further deteriorate.Now the question arises as to how can we help a child if we do not point his mistakes.
One sure shot way is to show by your own example.Children always tend to follow by observing rather than by just listening to what you have to say.If this is not possible then there is one more way of trying to do this.......before pointing out any of his negative trait talk about some of his positive ones and then slowly and affectionately u can begin....come let's try...i am sure u can do it... It won't be easy though.Changing any formed habit is not at all easy for anyone. He will need a lot of encouragement.....every single syllable formed in a better way has to be encouraged.only then can the child may be able to bringabout the desired positive change which surely will be permanent.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A humble begining.

Seems ages since I have picked up myself and done something close to my heart.
Whenever I think about the things I love to do most and at which I am good, one thing comes first to my mind.....'children'.....bringing up children....rather helping them find themselves, helping them grow.Since children have always been my passion,loving them and being patient with them comes naturally and effortlessly to me.Rarely has it happened that a child has refused to obey me.
The only thing that has helped me attain this feat is love....unconditional love and understanding towards them.Often we as adults look at a child from where we are standing, try to compare them with others. This according to me is the greatest folly.Believe me friends,every child ,just every single child is different and so has a unique purpose in this life .So please stop comparing, stop being judgemental.The only thing common is that love and tolerance are the only tools in our hands with which we can help our children shape their lives.Have patience, be friendly, supportive , let them voice their feelings, their point of views, listen to them,let them commit mistakes.Don't let them know or feel but be watchful.As parents it is our duty to groom our child in such a way that it helps him find his own way...and not to push him the way we want him to go.
Just this much for today.I wud love to share my point of views on this topic and ur comments, suggestions and views are most welcome!