Friday, February 6, 2009

My experiences with children

While dealing with children I have noticed one interesting thing..........the very thing u touch( point out) in them starts growing,irrespective of the fact whether it is positive or negative.For example, if their writing is beautiful and u praise them for that , they will try to improve it further...on the contrary if u start finding faults in it, his performance will further deteriorate.Now the question arises as to how can we help a child if we do not point his mistakes.
One sure shot way is to show by your own example.Children always tend to follow by observing rather than by just listening to what you have to say.If this is not possible then there is one more way of trying to do this.......before pointing out any of his negative trait talk about some of his positive ones and then slowly and affectionately u can begin....come let's try...i am sure u can do it... It won't be easy though.Changing any formed habit is not at all easy for anyone. He will need a lot of encouragement.....every single syllable formed in a better way has to be encouraged.only then can the child may be able to bringabout the desired positive change which surely will be permanent.

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